Curriculum Educo

We believe that every child deserves the best possible education. That is, education with a focus on individual talents, personal results, and achievements. All of our products are based on international standards for curricula, goals and skills. They stimulate the development of a child through active, hands-on play. The Educo products are categorized in distinct and clear learning goals and skills.

Categories of the Educo curriculum

  • Mathematics

    Encourage children to develop their mathematical skills.

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  • Language

    Encourage children the become storytellers and capable readers.

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  • Motor skills

    Encourage children to develop their motor skills.

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  • Puzzles

    Encourage children to discover the world.

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  • Dramatic play

    Create your own world to enter the big world.

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  • 0-3 year

    Encourage the child to develop and grow in the best possible way. 

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