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These assignments can be used with every counting game!
Seen on:
12 October 2017
Let the toddlers try to copy the dice images with the caps. The highest number on a dice is six. Can the children come up with patterns for the numbers seven, eight, and nine? (Creating, analyzing)
- Let the children use the cards to create sums on a large sheet of paper. Subsequently, you can stamp the solutions. You can also copy the cards, so that the toddlers can simply glue them to the sheet of paper. (Numeracy)
- The toddler walks around the classroom with a number card. Can he or she find a pattern that matches the number? For instance, an egg cartons fits six eggs and blocks have six sides. Collect all the objects and take a picture! (Analyzing)
- Choose a number and come up with a word that has the same amount of letters. (Literacy, analyzing)
- How many cups are in the box? Are there an equal number of cups for every color? Ask the toddlers to arrange the cups. This makes it easier to count them. Can they also draw a graph about the cups? (Analyzing, evaluating)
- Let the toddlers come up with a game themselves. Can they use all the materials in the box? Don’t forget to give them a dice.
- Higher, lower! For this game, toddlers play in pairs. Both toddlers have a stack of face-down number cards, although they can have different sets, such as numbers or fingers. They now simultaneously turn over the topmost card. Which card depicts the highest number? This toddler receives both cards and puts them next to his or her stack. Who can gather the most cards? (Analyzing, numeracy)
- Not challenging enough? Ask a toddler to communicate a three-, four-, or five-digital number to another toddler. Can he or she stamp the number on a sheet of paper? And do the toddlers have any idea whose telephone number this could be? Red Riding Hood? The king? They write about this or draw it. (Memory, creating)
- Gunpowder tower. In pairs, the toddlers build a tower from ten blocks. In turns, they may then take one, two, or three blocks from the tower. The toddlers can decide for themselves how many blocks they want to take. The toddler that takes the last block of the tower in his or her turn wins the game. Allow the toddlers to repeat the game, so that they can develop strategies. They can also use more blocks, such as 12 or 15 blocks. (Analyzing, evaluating)
- Math mysteries! In pairs, toddlers put ten cups or pawns on the table. One toddler closes his or her eyes. The other toddler now takes some of the cups or pawns. Can the first toddler open his or her eyes and determine how many cups or pawns are missing? Of course, you can also use a different number of cups or pawns. (Analyzing, evaluating)
- Very useful for motor skills: ask the toddlers to make numbers with clay. They can then check their creations with the number cards. Are the numbers shaped correctly? (Motor skills, evaluating)